Home For Random Thoughts

Blown away by obscurity

The big dig – part 2

After digging for what seemed like all summer, it was time to start building things back up.  The guys at the Oldcastle store in Youngsville were awesome.  After talking with them, we ended up going with the Diamond 9D for the block and cap. We placed our order of 4 pallets (to start with) and a half pallet of caps to match.  Mulch Masters on Durant was our goto for stone and dirt to build out the base and backfill.


I have a love and hate relationship with my little truck.  It has been bulletproof, and it’s paid for, but the little 4 cylinder engine often seems overloaded.  For the few times that I really need power, it’s well worth the short term limits


The wall ended up going up much slower than planned, due to the need to fill the stones and the backfill.  More pictures to follow for the completed section.

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